The path from owner-manager to investor

The challenge

  1. To adapt the organization to the company’s dynamic growth.
  2. To reduce tensions between the three shareholders, in possession of 70% of shares in a thriving property development company.


The company, managed by three main shareholders, is undergoing rapid growth and has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. However, its further management involves an enormous amount of operational and strategic work. Difficulties in the relations between the owners have grown, while the lack of space for working on them has only exacerbated the conflicts. On the other hand, ever greater opportunities are offered by the receptive market.

Diagnosis of the problem

  • Organizational structure poorly matched to the size of the company.
  • Ineffective decision processes of the owners and in the organization.
  • Lack of a coherent ownership strategy among the main shareholders.
  • The owners’ differing visions had a negative impact on day-to-day operations, generating numerous conflicts and undermining the company’s productivity.


  • We conducted a study of the psychological profiles of the owners and key managerial staff.
  • We held a series of workshops for drawing up an ownership strategy acceptable to all owners.
  • We helped create and then implement an organizational strategy in line with the ownership strategy.
  • We supported the company in its plan for change in the board of directors.
  • By using psychological diagnosis technology, we helped in the selection of efficient members of the board.


  • A reduction in the number of conflicts and enabling the owners to benefit from the company’s successes, thanks to the creation of a transparent ownership strategy.
  • Change in the company’s board, which allowed one of the main shareholders to leave the board and focus on their preferred role of expert and advisor.
  • Change in the method at the C-level management – a proper board of directors began to function, reinforced by professional managers.
  • Four years after initiating the process of organizational change and intense collaboration, the owners sold their shares in the company. The total value of the transaction was approximately 0.5 bn zlotys.

Let’s meet up!

We’d be happen to hear about the challenges your organization is facing and how we might help you.